Reduce Stress - Spend Time in Nature
I am so grateful to be living in a rural area during the Covid-19 pandemic. I have free access to the countryside which has always been my sanctuary when times are hard. In May and June when the bird song was more noticeable than ever, I found myself actively seeking places where I could listen to the birds and on one walk discovered six woodpecker nests. In July I visited my childhood stomping ground and was reminded why I spent so much time outside as a child when walking through a meadow I saw four roe deer stags and almost tripped over a fox! It’s easy to take this freedom for granted when so many have no access to nature.
Nature has the ability to restore connection and balance of mind, whilst Yoga and Mindfulness are ways of connecting with the self. Practicing yoga enhances interoception; our ability to experience ones body from the inside, rather than through the filter of the thinking mind. Mindfulness allows us to let go of the analytical brain and see things for what they are. When combined with nature the transformational qualities are enhanced. Fresh air is loaded with microbes that boost the immune system. Even a view of nature helps with recovery from illness.
My decision to build a rural studio was a deliberate one. When evidence shows that mood is improved, anger reduced, blood pressure and cortisol levels lowered when in nature, while health, physical fitness and mental well-being are all improved after spending time in nature, why would you not want to practice Yoga in a rural location?
During lockdown, many women who have been used to the fast pace of life have recognised the benefits of slowing down and implementing self care. The time has passed for rushing across town for an hour in a crowded room with a busy street outside. Even the journey to Birchwood Yoga will be of greater benefit than rushing for a ‘quick fix.’ After all, there’s no such thing!
At the time of writing, Birchwood Yoga is open for private tuition which can be practiced either outside or inside with the doors and windows open. Please get in touch if I can help you reduce and/or manage stress and overwhelm with all the boxes ticked to enhance your wellbeing!