Good Things Come To Those Who Prioritise Self Care
/September is the new January. It is the time when we think about change. And often a time when we set new intentions.
This year has been emotionally challenging for me. There has been a deeply upsetting incident that had a severely negative impact on my mental health, family illness, health scares and change that is difficult to adjust to. However, out of all of this has come a major alteration to my business and the way I approach life.
Yoga and meditation are the two things that keep me sane in times of difficulty. There is something about the summer which always gets me back on track with my practice. I like nothing more than practicing in the garden with the warm sun on my body. I feel nourished by it.
But Yoga and meditation have not been enough to get me through this difficult time. I have recognised the importance of finding joy and seeking support and communication. The summer has lead me to recognise two things:
1) That I will have to stand on my own two feet more steadily.
2) That it is okay to reach out; it is alright to say “I’m not feeling good today.” It is perfectly fine to ask for help, a cuddle or simply express a need to be with someone.
I have always been dreadful at reaching out. I steadfastly cope alone and when a person says “I’m here if you need me',” I usually burst into tears because I forget that it is part of the human condition to support others. And yet this is precisely what I do for my clients!
I have worked non-stop over the summer on a new programme and I am now at the point where I have to be brave; step right out of my comfort zone as an introvert and SHOUT about how I can support women to accomplish what has taken me a long time to work out; that putting yourself first, be that in your family, your business or with friends is the only way to take care of all things.
Being organised and implementing plans is a life saver. We all struggle to find enough time in our day for everything that needs to be done but by being organised, by putting ourselves first and making certain self care is prioritised, we can show up for others.
So I have set boundaries around my business that means I get to work when I want to and not because I need to. I am working on a mindset that gives me the confidence to speak to people regularly. I have organised my life so that I can fill it with joy and communication as well as self care. And what a difference it has made.
I can stand on my own two feet. I can cope with adversity. I will take time off just for me, because I need to; it’s been 6 years!
And the best thing is… it feels great; it feel right! And I know good things are coming.