Why it's important to understand stress and know how to deal with it.
/Acute stress, chronic stress and burnout are three separate states of stress. It’s important to know what they are so you know how to respond.
Read MoreAcute stress, chronic stress and burnout are three separate states of stress. It’s important to know what they are so you know how to respond.
Read MoreThe more we dampen our stress hormones, the easier it is to sleep.
Read MoreThe adrenal glands sit on top of each of your kidneys. They play a vital role in your body, secreting hormones that are essential for life, stress hormones that also act as neurotransmitters, sending messages to your nervous system and sex hormones.
Here are just a few examples of hormones produced by the adrenal glands:
Aldosterone is responsible for maintaining the body’s salt and water levels which in turn regulates blood pressure.
Cortisol responds to illness and and helps regulate body metabolism. Cortisol stimulates glucose production and has significant anti-inflammatory effects.
Adrenaline, noradrenaline and small amounts of dopamine are responsible for all the physiological characteristics
of the stress response, the so called 'fight or flight' response.
Testosterone plays an important role in sexual arousal, sexual response, libido, bone strength, cardiovascular health, cognitive performance, energy levels and well-being in women.
In a stress response, adrenaline increases your heart rate, elevates your blood pressure and increases energy supplies. Cortisol dampens all non-essential functions in a fight and flight situation. It alters immune system responses and suppresses the digestive system, the reproductive system and growth processes. Natures alarm system communicates with regions of your brain that control mood, motivation and fear.
Once a perceived threat has passed, hormone levels return to normal. But in the case of chronic perceived stress, the adrenal glands persistently secrete hormones and become fatigued resulting in a potentially dangerous situation. Initially you may experience some of the following:
Digestive problems
Sleep problems
Weight gain
Memory and concentration impairment
During peri-menopause the adrenal glands produce a hormone that mimics oestrogen. With already diminishing oestrogen levels, exhausted adrenal glands cannot produce adequate amounts adding to the already ageing affects of low oestrogen levels. Long term adrenal fatigue can also result in lower levels of testosterone; lowering libido, thinning bones, damaging cardiovascular health, causing cognitive impairment and low evergy levels.
More serious conditions of adrenal fatigue are overproduction of aldosterone causing treatment resistant high blood pressure. The adrenals may become overactive resulting in Cushing’s Syndrome. Underactive adrenals may result in Addison’s disease. You can do your own research into these diseases if you want to. But I want to highlight that stress should be treated seriously rather than being ignored or dismissed as something to deal with later.
Lifestyle changes may be required; even a change of career! I’m sure you know the score by now, but just in case:
Deal with any unresolved trauma through counseling.
Get regular exercise (overexercising is stressful on the body so take it easy).
Eat a healthy diet.
Practice relaxation techniques or take up yoga.
Take time for hobbies.
Spend time in nature.
Make time for friends.
Take action to improve quality of sleep.
Stay well.
Find out more about the De-stress Your Mid-life course.
Yoga classes, courses and workshops led by qualified yoga teacher Anneliese Wells. Taught in a beautiful, rural, private studio in Barcombe, East Sussex.